Willow February 2009
Showing posts from February, 2009
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We got a Wii :), I am not a "game" person at all. In the past I have gotten game's for my PC and really don't have the time or the desire to play them. Tamra, Derrick and Justin came to the farm this past weekend and brought Wii with them. After we played it I said "we need a Wii also" so off to the store I went. I think the difference with the Wii game system is you are "playing" the game instead of just moving your fingers. We Wii all the time, even Willow likes to Wii. They even have exercise discs, this one is really good and not very expensive. My Fitness Coach read the reviews I think it is better than Wii Fit.
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Since joing facebook I have been spending most of my computer time their connecting with old friends. It is wonderful to be able to catch up with people you knew life times ago. A lot of my old friends are from Olney Friends School in Barnesville, Ohio. Where I attened my sophmore year of high school. It was a mix between Quaker and non Quaker kids. I am not a Quaker but learned many things I used today from going to this school. You can go here is you would like to learn more about Quakers and their beliefs Here are a couple of pictures