Holiday spirit and short weekend

Well not really short, just seemed like it. I am working on my new project, I promise to reveal it soon. This was the last nice week in the Chicagoland area for a while it looks like. I took Willow and some of her friends to the Holiday lights at Great American. This is the first year they are having this event. I must say they did a fantastic job. The lights, shows and rides were done perfectly. They even had little s'more fires where you could purchase and toast your marshmallows. I hope this is something they will keep doing year after year. We are expecting a lot of snow by tomorrow morning, Willow is hoping they will have a snow day at school. To bad my corporate job doesn't call snow days lol. I am also in the process of opening a Ruby Lane Shop. As soon as I am approved I will provide a link. Has anyone ever sold on Ruby Lane?, let me know what you think? This is one of the venues th...