New Give Away 1/25/2010

This is a handmade Boro pendant on an 18" Vintaj Brass chain. This pictues doesn't show it, the pendant is hung from a large jump ring.

To enter the give away all you have to do is answer this question in the comments of this post.

What is your favorite way to treat yourself?

Thanks and good luck
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hlynn said…
That is a beautiful pendant.

My favorite way to treat myself is with a hot cup of chai tea in the morning. It's my reward for dragging myself out of my nice warm bed to face the day.
Davina-Marie said…
Wonderful Color.

A Large Sonic Cherry Slushie with an additional shot of Cherry. I only get them at happy hour and only if I am in the area for another reason.
Juli Cannon said…
Hey Cathie! (LE Juls)

I can't pick a favorite way to treat myself because I treat myself every day to at least one fun thing~ whether it is a truffle or simply leaving the bed unmade. (Mom, if by some freaky surreal coincidence you ever stumble across this I was kidding about that not making the bed thing. :P)
cjvierow said…
I treat myself with chocolate and buying beads! Then I try to decide what to do with them--which calls for more chocolate, of course! CJ
reblake said…
My big treat lately is a trip to the Barnes and Nobles and the local paperback bookstore. I set aside a whole afternoon, get myself a Starbucks frappuccino and a scone and go through the magazines until I find the one I cannot live without.
Then I go through the mystery book section and find a new series or author write down the name and try to find some older books by that person at the paperback store or library. I find it a very cheap and satisfying afternoon.
teachertracey said…
A loooong hot shower with Philosophy's red velvet cake bodywash. Heavenly...
Marina B. said…
Reading a good book in bed next to a snuggly husband.
Chocolate cream pie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yummy!
And maybe once in a while a strawberrie and cream frappucino!!
> said…

Pretty pendant ;)
Bethany's Beads said…
I treat myself by fixing a cup of very good coffee and watching a good movie under a very soft blanket.
Andrea Pickel said…
Dinner and a movie! By the way Cath. when are we going? Set a date, one we can't cancel! Love the bead!
Anonymous said…
my treat is to buy myself a cup of tea with cream & sugar...I know I *could* make it at home, but..."bought tea" is a total luxury!!
callie said…
My favorite way to tream myself would be searching out all kinds of beautiful treasures to make jewelry with and then buying them! I love getting those packages in the mail <3
Jeanne said…
I escape into a good book and leave the kids, husband and dog behind!
Anonymous said…
Cathie, I love Love Love this bead!! (all of them are beautiful)
I guess my favorite way to treat myself would be an awsome pedicure in Florida at my most favorite salon!!! (thank god we go back every now and then)
Snuggling with my grandkids is really awsome too!
Lisa Burke
(ooh hope I win) : )
d.j. said…
My fave way to treat myself? Get my favorite mug full of steaming coffee (with the required 2 spoons of Cafe Vienna added, thankyouverymuch), sitting on the couch surrounded by my kids and hubby, watching HGTV, or a movie, or just 'being'. This makes me very happy.....and very thankful for all my blessings!
Anonymous said…
What a generous idea - and gorgeous pendant!!

I love to curl up in my chair with a good book, and my kitty snuggled beside me - life is hectic, and when I am finally home I want quiet and calm. Someday I hope to add a fireplace to that picture, but for now a warm kitty will do.

Wendybritt on LE
Moushka Jen said…
Love your bead! My favorite treat is snuggling under a blanket with my daughter on the back porch while it is raining. We are both reading, and enjoying a cup of tea.
What a beautiful pendant. I'd love to have it- it sure would feel like a treat!

My usual treat is my Yorkshire Gold loose leaf tea...a nice strong pot in my 8 cup brown betty.

Carol said…
Oregon Chai tea with Soy milk and of course playing with my Granddaughter Brooklynn.
Cindy said…
Nice bed and breakfast with hubby
Anonymous said…
Some of my favorite treats are heaps of smoked salmon and maybe some cream cheese on a bagel, any kind of chocolate, but hopefully not the chips eaten out of the bag (that goes beyond 'treat' to desperation); Also going to a salon with my daughters (ages 20 & 22) and getting pedicures (with foot massage, of course).
Kathleen said…
Beautiful pendant!

My favorite way to treat myself is to take a me day. I usually go to the studio for some glassy goodness, take myself somewhere fun for dinner. Sometimes I also hit the salon for a facial or pedicure. I go home and curl up with tea or hot cocoa and a good book. (LE name Katey11)
rosebud101 said…
I get on my torch & melt glass.
Vitesse6 said…
I love to just go outside and breathe. I sit on the porch swing and just sit. Just a pinch of peace. I don't need anything it's just for me.
(LE Vitesse6)
Anonymous said…
When my parents take DD for a weekend and DH and I stay in bed and watch movies all weekend!
[LeslieCox on LE]
Anonymous said…
I treat myself like the royalty that I AM. I claim it,, princess of the universe... and I deserve to be spoiled rotten, even if i have to do it myself.

Candice King-Palgut
Vintage Beadery said…
My favorite way to treat myself is to window shop online and then place an order for some special type or color of glass I've never tried. Or I make homemade chocolate chip cookies - both work, just in very different ways :)
Debi said…
A large chocolate coke from Sonic. Oops, need to head over there!
Shari said…
My favorite way to treat myself is to get out into nature where nobody else is around, then find a nice spot to sit. Close my eyes, lift my arms and just experience all that is around me. Hear and feel the breeze, hear the birds, leaves and grasses moving. It's especially nice to do this on a warm day - not hot, just warm......... Lift my face to the sun..... I really miss doing that. Nature unfortunately is quite far away from me now.... Thanks for making me think about it!
Melissa said…
Favorite way to treat myself: Tea, chocolate or a bit of shopping! )

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