Give Away -- Beads

This is a give away for two lentil beads, perfect for a pendant focal or a bracelet.  18mm x 14mm in size.

To enter all you need to do is answer the question below in the comments of this post. 

Do you have a garden in  your yard or community plot that you grow fresh vegetables in?


cjvierow said…
I've grown tomatoes on the side of the house in a raised "flower" bed, but this year my hubs says he's going to "get into gardening" and plans to build some raised beds for a variety of veggies. Hmmm--we'll see how that works out! LOL Really pretty beads! Hope I'm the winner. ~smile~
Hope your question motivates more of us to grow our own! I'm limited to containers for tomatoes and basil, but I do buy from local markets, they're great!
Unknown said…
Yes I do although I have had to move it to the side of the house since the dogs tend to mow things over (the backyard is fenced). Usually tomatoes, peppers, green beans and cucumbers. Would love to move out of the city and have a real garden though!
Anonymous said…
Our yard is so small but my son has a large container just for herbs......miss having a big yard and garden!
Shai Williams said…
I don't have a garden this year or planning one as we are looking for a new home.
Jodi Marze said…
I have an herb container garden and I love it. We are going to do the real deal in our yard this year!!
Suz said…
I have a decent sized garden. I started it last year after not planting one for about 5 years. It went well until the deer found it. I had no idea they could jump so high. We raised the fence to 8 feet and that solved the problem but my cucumbers never recovered. I did get a beautiful crop of tomatoes and actually had a meal of corn on the cob! I am looking forward to a more prosperous season this year. Love the lentils! :)
Bonnie said…
Yes we do have a garden, actually it is my husband's project but I get to reap the benefits. All winter long we yern for garden time and "fruits" of our garden. Usually we have enough for us and a few of our friend's families.
Mama Feoneafey said…
I have several garden beds around the house and yard that we grow veggies, fruits , herbs and eatable flowers in as well as medicinal.. I also have friends how live in the country and they allow me room in thier large gardens as well.
these are oh so so pretty.
Good luck every one ..

-eyes, fingers, toes, knees and elbows crossed for luck so that I win -

Ma Fey
Penny Levesque said…
Last year was my best garden ever. I grew so many diffirent veggies. I always grow sunflowers. Last year the sunflowers were HUGE!!! I got a picture of my grand-daugher standing underneath one and it towered over her. lol! It seemed everything grew monsterous. We moved to a new home 7 months ago and I am definily grew a garden this year. I've already started seedlings,hopefully the soil will be just as ferti as my old home. if you wuld like to see some pictures just ask. After lampworking, gardening is my second passion. I get alot of inspiration for my beads from my gardens. Oh yeah I also grow flowers. I belong to a seed exchange where we trade seeds from the plants we have grown. Thanks for your interest. I have tons f friends who love to talk about beads and jewlery they make. It's so nice to comment on others things you love,for me gardening. Thanks again.
zonefour said…
Penny also doesn't pay for items sent to her when purchased on Ebay. She still owes me $100 for an oxycon that she no doubt is using to make her garden beads. Beware of Penny Levesque!
zonefour said…
Penny also doesn't pay for items sent to her when purchased on Ebay. She still owes me $100 for an oxycon that she no doubt is using to make her garden beads. Beware of Penny Levesque!
zonefour said…
Penny also doesn't pay for items sent to her when purchased on Ebay. She still owes me $100 for an oxycon that she no doubt is using to make her garden beads. Beware of Penny Levesque!

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