Girl Friends and Chick Flicks

This weekend a couple of friends and I went to Dubuque. It is our big city :), There is a Starbucks, Borders and Target lol. It is about 40 miles to Dubuque so we don't go that often. This outing had been planned for over 2 months, due to family and work we could never find a day that worked for all of us. We left the kids at home and ventured out about noon. I even put on makeup lol. All of us had lists of things we needed to get so off to the stores we went. It was stange and wonderful to be able to brouse the racks of clothes and try a couple of things on. After that we got some lunch. It was still early and this doesn't happen all the time we wanted it to last. The movie Theater was in the area, we checked out the times. Mama Mia was play shortly. This was on the list of movies to see from a while back.
So we went. It was wonderful, so funny you laugh out loud. I don't know why it got such bad reveiws. Meryl Streep is great!! the whole cast is delightful. The music is definetly disco era. We sang through the whole movie. I hope the people sitting by us didn't mind lol. All in all this was a great day and a great movie. Even if you don't think you have the time, make time to hang out with your girl friends and see a chick flick. I know there is always things to do, they will still be there when you get back. Go have fun for an afternoon. It is food for the soul.


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