To Home School or not?

I have been thinking about home schooling Willow when it comes time for her to go to school. She just turned two and preschool starts next year. I am quite the research queen so I need to start looking at my options now. I know alittle about the different methods but new seem to be popping up all the time. Anyone out there homeschool? what do you use? Post a comment or e-mail me


Anonymous said…
we homeschool, and i also opened and ran a private school for several years. my blog contains much, much blathering about my technique. ;^)

preschool can be a great thing, btw, even if you plan to homeschool - *if* the program is right. it's a chance to make a lot of friends you can keep when you are hs'ing. :^)

good luck with your investigation & your decision!
Farm Girl Cat said…
Thank for your comment Lori I will check out you blog.

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