Pumpkin Patch

This past weekend end Willow and I went to an area pumpkin patch with our friend Sara and her kids. The farm was great, they had carmel apples and hot apple cider. Even a barn with crafts. I love fall, the leaves and the smells. It could be like this all year round and I would be a happy girl. We all went through the mazes and road the little tractors and took the hay ride. Willow got to ride a pony and see some goats. I don't think she was so excited about the goats since we have them at home lol. She even picked out her own little pumpkin. Here are a couple of pictures. She looks mad in the pumpkin picture but she's not. Pumpkins picking is serious business to her.
Wish I was there for pumpkin picking. It's fall here with the leaves changing but it's not the same, feel like I'm missing my favorite season & when I get home will be thrown straight into x-mas. I miss you guys! Love You - Tamra