Snow and cold

We have been hit with two strong storms in the last week. Lots and lots of snow, I think we might be up to 10" or more right now. The wind chill is -25. The studio is warming up and I am going to go and create beads today. With all the wind the turbine is turning non stop now.

I can't believe x-mas is 4 days away. I am all done shopping, Willow is the only one we shop for anyways. Everyone else gets gift cards. Luckly our family doesn't exchange gifts with the adults, only the kids. So that makes it easier. We are going to my sister in law's this year so we didn't even put up a tree or do any decorating. I will be happy when the holidays are over, I practically overdosed on cookies yesterday. Although the night before last we went in a park in Dubuque that had great decorations. Here are a couple of pictures. I will take pictures when we are at Tamra's house.


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