
Showing posts from January, 2009

Taxes and the wind mill

We have not had much wind here so our wind mill has been very still. I just looked out and was happy to see it turning :) Along with the saving on our electric bill we will be getting a tax credit on our taxes this year for putting in the wind mill. Here is a link to the site where we purchased our turbine. There is alot of good information on turbines and how they can work for you.

Willow and Carsen


Long last update

The Wind Mill has shown it's worth. We received our first electric bill for a full month of wind mill use. It was windy about half of the month, but I really won't be able to judge the savings until I have a couple of months to go by. The bill show that for the same month last year we used 77 kw of electric and it was and ave temp of 28 degree and this year we used 42 kw of electric and it was and ave temp of 24 degree. We don't have electric heat in the house, we try to use the wood burning stove as much as possible, but my studio is heated with electric baseboard heaters. I turn them on in the morning when I go feed and water the animals. I let it heat up for two hours and then Willow and I head out there. I turn the heat off when we leave for the day. I tried leaving them on low all the time, I don't believe the heater where turning off when they reached the desired temp. My bill was very high and it was too hot in there. It has not been as windy this month. I will u...

Multi tasking

who would have thought that the fact that I have been trying to stop multi tasking would be the hardest one.

Good Day

I had a long post planed with pictures and all kinds of updates :) But since I am trying to limit my computer time it will have to wait. Willow and I have been watching Obama's inauguration this morning. I am so happy and hopeful for the future of this nation. I can say I am proud to be an American today. What a wonderful day. Lets all move into the future with love and peace.

A balanced life

I have been asked by a couple of people, what is a balanced life? That is going to differ from person to person and even change for a someone with what may be going on in their life at the time. For me right now a balenced life is trying not to multi task, I know I can :) if I must but on a daily basis I am going to try to give each task it's own time. Limit my time on the computer to 2 hours a day, give real life more time :) make time for fun with as much dedication as I do for work. finish things that are important in the same note don't spend time on things that are not enjoyable. remember what is important in my life, all else is filler. Hope you are enjoying the weather were you are, we are having snow again :) I am off to make beads.

Happy New Years

When another calender year is over and the start of a new year apon us. I tend to lean toward Earth based beliefs so my new year begins November 1st. Julius Caesar decreed January 1st the new year in 567, before that March 1st was celebrated as the new year and there were on 7 months of the year. 2008 was an interesting year, luckly not as hard as 2007. My father estate was finally closed in December and the faire house was sold. I was glad to get alot of loose ends taken care of. I don't ususally make resolutions, I give myself goals to work for. Last year it was to go as green as possible and to live a healthier life style. I also want to has a more balanced life. Those goals were accomplished, but can be continued in 2009. My goals for 2009 To live a balanced life have a great garden get fit redo bathroom pay off debt Hope everyone had a great new year and this year is all you hope for.