Long last update

The Wind Mill has shown it's worth. We received our first electric bill for a full month of wind mill use. It was windy about half of the month, but I really won't be able to judge the savings until I have a couple of months to go by. The bill show that for the same month last year we used 77 kw of electric and it was and ave temp of 28 degree and this year we used 42 kw of electric and it was and ave temp of 24 degree. We don't have electric heat in the house, we try to use the wood burning stove as much as possible, but my studio is heated with electric baseboard heaters. I turn them on in the morning when I go feed and water the animals. I let it heat up for two hours and then Willow and I head out there. I turn the heat off when we leave for the day. I tried leaving them on low all the time, I don't believe the heater where turning off when they reached the desired temp. My bill was very high and it was too hot in there. It has not been as windy this month. I will update on the saving when I receive my next bill.

I have been working out every morning inside and looking forward to spring when we can get outside again. Our garden this year is going to be more managable so we don't lose as much to rot. I froze alot last year but we still had too much. I am looking forward to working with all of the gourds I grew the past two years.

I did make the felted soap. It turned out great. Here is a site with wonderful directions and pictures on making felted soap.

Back when I was blogging on the magikal glassworks site I always tried to post a link to an interesting site. I was looking back as some of my posts and and the links. :) I will try to continue that on this blog more.

I am making beads all the time now. I hope to have some for sale on Etsy in the Feb. You can always buy my beads from Vintaj sorry they only sell wholesale. I have a couple of other crafts I will be listing along with the beads. I will be posting a link to my store as soon as I have something for sale.

Have a great week and stay warm

I have also been working on my taxes and hope to mail them out as soon as I get some documents. It will be great to have that done and out of the way.


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