Happy New Years

When another calender year is over and the start of a new year apon us. I tend to lean toward Earth based beliefs so my new year begins November 1st.

Julius Caesar decreed January 1st the new year in 567, before that March 1st was celebrated as the new year and there were on 7 months of the year.

2008 was an interesting year, luckly not as hard as 2007. My father estate was finally closed in December and the faire house was sold. I was glad to get alot of loose ends taken care of.

I don't ususally make resolutions, I give myself goals to work for. Last year it was to go as green as possible and to live a healthier life style. I also want to has a more balanced life. Those goals were accomplished, but can be continued in 2009.

My goals for 2009

To live a balanced life
have a great garden
get fit
redo bathroom
pay off debt

Hope everyone had a great new year and this year is all you hope for.


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