New Give Away, Recycled Leather Bracelet

Here is the Give Away!!,  this is a Vintaj and recycled leather bracelet.  This bracelet with fit a 6 1/2 to 7 inch wrist but I can resize it if the winner needs another size.   I love to work with recycled items in my jewelry, this is just one of the items I have created. 

All you need to do to enter this give away is answer this question in the comments

Do you recycle ?


Unknown said…
I do recycle, but not with as much imagination as this bracelet. Love it! Hope I win!
Renee G said…
We try to recycle as much as possible.
Laurie S. said…
Yes! My whole house is filled with "recycled" stuff. As well as most of our clothing.
Terri Dell said…
I do recycle but I am not in any way creative. If I have things that I feel could be used in an artistic manner, I give them to friends who do know what to do with them.
Mama Feoneafey said…
Yes we recycle. Not as much as we like but every thing we can ...this bracelet is beautiful! Good Luck every one!(but i hope I win) .. oh and I will do an updated post on my blog about your giveaway..
Ma Fey
designer said…
YES, I recycle. We are down to one small bag of household trash per week by composting and recycling what we can. We find some awesome stuff on the curb on trash day and the thrift stores are our favorites. Love the bracelet, Vintaj has the coolest stuff, I'll be DREAMING that I win! What is the leather recycled from?
Anonymous said…
Yes I recycle. I can barely force myself to throw anything away that can be recycled. I'm always looking for new homes for still usable items or looking to repurpose things around me. My motto is "it's your earth take care of it".
Birdy said…
Yes!! I love the challenge of figuring out how to repurpose things. We recycle as much as possible of the stuff that we can't figure out how to reuse. Your bracelet is beautiful!
s hyler said…
Yes, I do at home and we do at work. I try to find uses for things to keep them out of the landfill or give them to someone who can get some use out of it.
Unknown said…
I recycle, upcycle and shop at thrift stores as much as possible.

Anonymous said…
girl, you know i recycle! i am to the point where i get almost mad that i feel so guilty about even thinking about throwing recyclables away! :) i sort and sort, and pile and stash all the recycling for two weeks, and then when the garbage men pick it up they just dump it all together in the same truck. despite all the work and anxiety it is so worth it, all i need now is one of those recycle t-shirts!

p.s. as far as recycling "art" stuff, i am a firm believer in keeping all my creative scraps for future projects.
Marianna said…
Very little - no recycling facilities in my area

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