Living Fugally and Debt Free

One of our goals this year to pay of our debt and finally be debt free. My income has changed quite a bit in the past year, due mostly to the economey. This has made us more aware of our financial situation. I ran out of dishwasher soap yesterday, the washer was already loaded. I was hoping that I could us the laundry soap I had made as it's low suds, we all know what happens when you put dish soap in the washer right lol. So I was searching the web for a solution. I found a great blog in the process.
Budgets are the New Black Button
Budgets are the New Black
Here is the receipe for dishwasher soap

Powder Dishwasher Detergent: 2 Tablespoons/load, divided
1 cup Borax
1 cup Baking Soda
1 Tablespoon Lemi Shine

I did not have Lemi Shine so I put the juice of 1/3 of a lemon in the bottom of the washer along with the rest of the ingredeants.
I also put vinegar in the rinse compartment. Then I ran it on normal. The dishes are clean and there is no residue at all on them.

I am going to use this from now on. Not only did this save me a trip to the store, which is 15 miles away, but also the gas and the time I would have spent.

Check out this site and lets get debt free together!


I never would have thought to use real lemon! Glad it worked for you!
Thanks for the link to this site. I'm doing the same thing you are this year. Trying to figure out how to cut the expenses - our nearest store - 30 minutes!

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