Saturday at the market and some new things I am making

The weather man was sure we where not going to have any rain on Saturday,, opps wrong again lol. It drizzled for a good part of the morning. Despite that a lot of people came out to the market! I saw so many past customers that stop to buy my new items, along with wonderful new customers I hope to see again.

Here are my new gourds, I am loving these and they are a big seller so far

This is not a great picture but I hope you can get the idea, silverware wind chimes. I wasn't able to get a picture of the really big one I sold. It was one of the first things I sold in the morning I didn't realize I had not taken a picture until it was too late :( I have to get back in to the habit of taking pictures of everything I make.
A vendor/friend and I went for Indian food after the market,, to be honest I didn't even know there was an Indian restaurant in Dubuque. Very yummy! hit the thrift store to see if I could get anything for wind chimes. Found some wooden rolling pins I think will make great wind chime hangers.

Today on the farm the sun is shinning and it's in the 70's, working in the garden and doing laundry. Have a wonderful day, enjoy!!!!


Melinda said…
I'm jealous of your warm weather! It's been cloudy and cold here for days... will it be one of those summers? I sure hope not! I'm glad you had a good turn out despite the drizzle, and congrats on selling some treasures! Soak up some sun for me! :)

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